There are multiple ways to run a Kubernetes cluster with Ubuntu. These pages explain how to deploy Kubernetes on Ubuntu on multiple public and private clouds, as well as bare metal.
The latest version of Kubernetes with upstream binaries. Supports AWS, GCE, Azure, Joyent, OpenStack, VMware, Bare Metal and localhost deployments.
conjure-up provides the quickest way to deploy Kubernetes on Ubuntu for multiple clouds and bare metal. It provides a user-friendly UI that prompts you for cloud credentials and configuration options
Available for Ubuntu 16.04 and newer:
sudo snap install conjure-up --classic
# re-login may be required at that point if you just installed snap utility
conjure-up kubernetes
As well as Homebrew for macOS:
brew install conjure-up
conjure-up kubernetes
These are more in-depth guides for users choosing to run Kubernetes in production:
We’re normally following the following Slack channels:
and we monitor the Kubernetes mailing lists.
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