This page shows how to automatically generate reference pages for the Kubernetes Federation API.
You need to have Git installed.
You need to have
Golang version 1.9.1 or later installed,
and your $GOPATH
environment variable must be set.
You need to have Docker installed.
You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository. Typically, this involves creating a fork of the repository. For more information, see Creating a Documentation Pull Request.
If you don’t already have the Kubernetes federation source code, get it now:
mkdir $GOPATH/src
cd $GOPATH/src
go get
Determine the base directory of your local
kubernetes/federation repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the federation source
code, you base directory is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <fed-base>
Run the doc generation script:
cd <fed-base>
The script runs the image to generate this set of reference docs:
The generated files do not get published automatically. They have to be manually copied to the kubernetes/website repository.
These files are published at